.. _strings: ================== Unit string format ================== PyAnsys Units supports specifying units as strings for many input parameters and can also provide string representations of units. The basic form of a unit string follows this convention: .. code:: [unit]<^exponent> where - ``multiplier prefix`` is optional and must be one of the prefixes defined on package initialization such as ``k``, ``M`` or ``c``. - ``unit`` must be one of the base or derived units as defined in the ``UnitRegistry``. - ``exponent`` is optional and must be preceded by the caret ``^`` symbol followed by the numerical exponent. More complex unit strings can be built up by concatenation of these basic strings with spaces in between. Spaces between the substrings indicate that the units are multiplied together. Some examples are as follows: .. code:: python accel_mps = "m s^-2.0" density = "kg m^-3.0" proportional_const = "ft s^-2.5 psi^-1.0" You can inspect the unit tests and documentation examples to see more usage of unit strings.